Thread subject: :: Another Rove Beetle to name.<Quedius fuliginosus

Posted by Roger Thomason on 19-11-2008 15:59

Found wandering around at Scatsta Airport minus a front leg, but the remaining one should assist in identification as it is pretty distinctive. Size about 15mm.

Edited by Roger Thomason on 22-11-2008 06:48

Posted by Smoggycb on 19-11-2008 16:14

I think it's a species of Quedius, but not 100% sure

Posted by Roger Thomason on 21-11-2008 06:41

Thanks Smoggycb,
It would appear to be, but can't find a photo on any of the websites that match that front leg :|. Oh well.
Regards Roger

Posted by Tony Irwin on 21-11-2008 11:57

The leg is missing the end tarsal segment, so not surprising you can't find a match! (But see ) In your first photo, the tibia is foreshortened as well.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 21-11-2008 17:12

Thanks for that Tony. I went right past it in the site I normally look :)The advert "Should have gone to Specsavers" comes to mind :|

Handy Tip; Never get your eyes tested following a long session in the pub.

Edited by Roger Thomason on 21-11-2008 18:07

Posted by Tony Irwin on 22-11-2008 02:47

Hang on Roger - don't credit me with the determination - I was only pointing out another example of a Quedius without a last tarsal segment. It would be very rash to call your beast fuliginosus without a closer examination. Let's wait for a real coleopterist (not a pretend one like me! :P)

Posted by Roger Thomason on 22-11-2008 03:10

Tony . I'm satisfied with Q.fuliginosus which is on my Checklist, plus it will probably get up J.B's nose ;), so not a bad start to the day, considering its a blizzard outside at the moment (-2C + 50Kts + Snow + Alarms going off in the Tower ). Love this place. :|:|
Regards Roger
Just had a burst valve on an external 2" pipe, just what you need at 01.20 am in the middle of a blizzard, Fixed temp. Love this place even more :|:|:|.

Edited by Roger Thomason on 22-11-2008 03:57