Thread subject: :: ID-2006-3

Posted by Wil on 18-05-2006 13:17

From Fotoopa:

Date: May 15,2006
Name: ??
Location: N 50?53'25.8", E 3?20'27.0", Kasteel Ooigem, UTM: 31UES2438
D200 - AF60/2.8D micro - F29 external compur1 shutter 4.5 msec SB-80-DX + vivitar 283.

Frans and Willy


Edited by Wil on 18-05-2006 13:18

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 18-05-2006 13:25

Hi Willy.
It is not fly. Some Hymenoptera, around Tenthredinoidea.

Posted by Robert Nash on 18-05-2006 13:29

Hi Correct may also be Tenthredo Rhogogaster or a close genus.How big was it? Id' guess around 15mm. length or more. Great pic :p:pthe powerful lift off nicely captured.Robert

Edited by Robert Nash on 18-05-2006 18:19

Posted by frans_vdm on 18-05-2006 19:48

Robert Nash wrote:
Hi Correct may also be Tenthredo Rhogogaster or a close genus.How big was it? Id' guess around 15mm. length or more. Great pic :p:pthe powerful lift off nicely captured.Robert

Hi Robert,

I'm Frans ( fotoopa), the brother from Willy. I just look at the RAW file and the body lenght is 11mm, the body diameter is about 2 mm. This dimension is pretty accurate because the capture frame for this flying insects its fix at 65mm for 3872 pixels, so counting the number of pixels give me the correct dimension.
