Thread subject: :: minute crawler<Collembola -E.multifasciata <ID Juergen Peters

Posted by Roger Thomason on 20-10-2008 22:27

Found in my garden shed while having a clearout.
Size 1-1.5mm. Any idea about an ID?

Edited by Roger Thomason on 25-10-2008 06:50

Posted by pierred on 21-10-2008 07:06


Collembola ?

Posted by eguzki on 22-10-2008 00:18

Collembola, and perhaps family Entomobryidae.

Edited by eguzki on 22-10-2008 00:19

Posted by Juergen Peters on 22-10-2008 22:33


Genus Entomobrya, and most likely E. multifasciata (but I am no expert).

Posted by Roger Thomason on 23-10-2008 04:18

Thank you Pierre,Tomi and Juergen for ID'ing it as Collembola, Entomobryidae Entomobrya...possibly multifasciata.
I don't have that one on my checklist, and having looked on the website you suggested Juergen I'm still not sure what it might be, as species seem to have lots of variations depending on location. Difficult little things :|
Regards Roger :)

Edited by Roger Thomason on 23-10-2008 04:20

Posted by Roger Thomason on 25-10-2008 06:46

Hi Juergen
Just to tell you I got confirmation of your ID.PM to follow.
Regards Roger

ps drive safely:|

Edited by Roger Thomason on 25-10-2008 07:22