Thread subject: :: Ant or wasp ?

Posted by LordV on 15-10-2008 20:44

About 6mm long sitting on my car South Coast UK - taken a few days ago .
Brian V.

Posted by Martin Suvak on 15-10-2008 22:15

Male of Myrmica sp. (Formicidae), I would say. A more detailed photo could help to estimate even a species.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 15-10-2008 23:44

Seems to confirm the opinions on hymIS forum which thought it was M.graminicola (M)

Posted by Martin Suvak on 16-10-2008 01:08

Roger is probably right, though male of Myrmecina graminicola should not surpass 4 mm and scapus should be shorter then first two funicular segments together. But coloration and dark wings seem to be typical for M.graminicola, the antenae are seen from angle and the size of 6 mm is probably overestimated. So I am sorry for the previous wrong estimate of Myrmica, at least myrmicine ant is sure ;).

Posted by Roger Thomason on 16-10-2008 01:37

Getting past which species this is, which camera and lense are you using. Great photo's-look better on hymIS with larger images.
Regards Roger

Posted by LordV on 16-10-2008 07:51

Thanks for the comments again - looks like an ant then :)

Roger I use a canon 40D DSLR with an MPE-65 lens but I also very carefully use a technique called focus stacking to increase the DOF where I can. More info here
It's possible the size is wrong - Just did a more accurate measurement at 3.4mm - apologies for that.

Brian Valentine