Thread subject: :: Spring swarm on window (inside)

Posted by Dimitri Geystor on 24-04-2006 17:03

The title is explicit.
Tiny (2 - mm) black, active flies all over a window yesterday.
Same thing to-day.
As the weather was warm, we had other windows open, and it is not clear to me where from the swarm originated (indoors ? outdoor ?).

Identification suggestions ?

Pictures were kept large for details to be visible, but they are strongly compressed not to be a nuisance on loading.

Many thanks to our experts.


Edited by Dimitri Geystor on 29-04-2017 09:07

Posted by ChrisR on 24-04-2006 17:23

Scatopsidae? Possibky Anapausis sp.?

Posted by Dimitri Geystor on 24-04-2006 18:11

Thanks for the lead, Chris.
Looks very plausible.


Posted by Paul Beuk on 24-04-2006 20:36

Anapausis seems to be correct. A. soluta is, I think the commonest of the lot but with the illustrations I cannot confirm the identity.