Thread subject: :: Cryptocheilus discolor by Ch. Schmidt-Egger

Posted by Isidro on 27-05-2008 23:47

This big wasp was last Sunday at Tosos, Aragon, NE Spain. I found it under a stone. It let me take a photo and in the next second it dissapeared in a holes digged under the stone. Tha wasp sizes about 4 cm. Can be identified to species level? comparatus, spectabilis...? but black abdomen...

Edited by Isidro on 30-05-2008 00:40

Posted by Christian Schmid-Egger on 29-05-2008 23:06

Its Cryptocheilus discolor, but not 4 cm.

Regards, Christian

Posted by Isidro on 30-05-2008 00:40

Maybe slighlty lesser, but sligthly (3'5?)

Thanks a lot!!! You're the best!!!! :D

Posted by Christian Schmid-Egger on 30-05-2008 10:54

Unfortunately, discolor females in my collection are between 17-25 mm. Large Cryptocheilus alternatus or rubellus my reach 30 mm.
Sorry, but true measurment often is disenchanting :@:@

In a German forum, we had a long discussion about size of Vespa crabro length (the Hornet). Amateurs saw queens with 50 mm or more, but specimens in collections or in scientific literature are not longer than 35 mm (30 mm avarage). The conclusion was that both are right, but amateurs has to proof these large hornet queens by photos. Now, we are waiting for the fotos. B)

Regards, Christian

Edited by Christian Schmid-Egger on 30-05-2008 10:55