Thread subject: :: Holopogon chalcogaster I suppose...

Posted by Isidro on 27-05-2008 08:39

Last Sunday, Tosos, Aragon, NE Spain. What a colours :o

Posted by Eric Fisher on 07-06-2008 03:04

Correct Isidro: this is a female Holopogon chalcogaster. Males of this beautiful species have many more yellowish hairs on the abdomen. This species has different antennae compared to other Holopogon (the tip is more truncate: see fig. 249 in Engel, 1938: 386) -- which is why it had been placed in its own genus "Pseudoholopogon" by Strobl (now considered a synonym of Holopogon). Please place these photos in the gallery.

Posted by Isidro on 13-06-2008 11:47

I can't put any photo in the gallery. I tried many times, but i's impossible. Don't let to have spaces in the file name. If I erase these spaces, is not my file an not uploaded...

Thanks by the confirmation.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 14-06-2008 22:33

Isidro - the file size limit for gallery photos is slightly smaller than for the forums. Read the instructions again carefully and try again.:)

Posted by Isidro on 15-06-2008 08:05

Thanks Susan,

any problem with image size, the only problem is the file name. And if I change the name is not possible to upload. Thanks.