Thread subject: :: Nematocera pupa

Posted by Victor Shilenkov on 27-02-2006 17:35

What is this?

Posted by Kahis on 27-02-2006 20:18


Wow, an almost perfect picture for identification! It's a pupa of an Asilid fly = robberfly.

When submitting photos for identification please add all relevant additional information you have. Where and when was the specimen found? How did it behave? Size? This will often help us solve otherwise impossible casesB)

Posted by Victor Shilenkov on 28-02-2006 14:44

Pupa was collected near Irkutsk in soil, as I remember in July. Picture obtained from flatbed scanner. I am not shure this information halp for identification. Anyway, it's important for me to know that it is Asilidae. Many thanks for support.