Thread subject: :: indet Dolichopodidae from Mallorca

Posted by daveb21 on 06-03-2025 17:58

Can anyone help with this please, wing venation is different as dm-m is missing and the costa only goes to R4-5. Large white palps, no modifications to legs and a few bi-serial acrosticals. It doesn't want to fit in with the Palaearctic key and I'm a bit stumped.

Posted by daveb21 on 06-03-2025 17:59

Struggling to attach the image!

Posted by daveb21 on 06-03-2025 18:14

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, no gaps in file name, correct size and format!

Posted by Tony Irwin on 07-03-2025 00:14

Remember that some special characters are prohibited in the file name.
Also, don't preview a message that has an image attached - the image will be lost.

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 07-03-2025 08:18

Asyndetus sp.: "dm-m is missing and the costa only goes to R4-5"

Posted by daveb21 on 07-03-2025 09:40

Tony Irwin wrote:
Remember that some special characters are prohibited in the file name.
Also, don't preview a message that has an image attached - the image will be lost.

That'll be why then! Thanks Tony:)

Posted by daveb21 on 07-03-2025 09:40

Igor Grichanov wrote:
Asyndetus sp.: "dm-m is missing and the costa only goes to R4-5"

Thanks Igor.

Posted by daveb21 on 07-03-2025 11:18

Igor Grichanov wrote:
Asyndetus sp.: "dm-m is missing and the costa only goes to R4-5"

Hopefully this image is good enough, I've keyed this to A. connexus, however the front coxa isn't entirely yellow? Can't find much in the way of resources to confirm or not. Can you help from this? I can image again next week if need be,