Thread subject: :: Very sad news: Paul Beuk 1965-2025

Posted by weia on 04-03-2025 13:34

Paul has died after a short illness... He was not yet 60 years old.

Edited by weia on 04-03-2025 16:56

Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-03-2025 15:40

Weia - can you clarify? Which Paul?

Posted by weia on 04-03-2025 15:57

'Our' Paul, the Paul Beuk of this excellent website.

Edited by weia on 04-03-2025 16:13

Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-03-2025 16:14

I am shocked - Paul was such a force, and made such an enormous contribution to the study of Diptera through setting up and maintaining the website. He will be greatly missed. Condolences to his family and colleagues.

Posted by Zeegers on 04-03-2025 17:01

Paul was diagnosed with cancer somewhere half of February and it was instantly clear it was beyond cure.... prognoses was he had several weeks to live. It turned out to be only several days, once we got informed. He suffered from serious pain in leg and back, so at least the suffering is over.


Posted by Zeegers on 04-03-2025 17:03

I guess it is appropriate to post the mourning card here

Edited by Zeegers on 04-03-2025 17:07

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-03-2025 17:20

Great dipterologist and Paul Beuk has determined many species in this site. Of course will endure for many and many years too. So in a way Paul Beuk will be always present.
My sincere condolences.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 04-03-2025 18:50

This is really a shock! What a tragic! Paul Beuk was an institution for me since I discovered this website more than 20 years ago.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 04-03-2025 19:06

Two or three weeks ago, Paul kindly sent me pdf articles I requested...
It's a nightmare!
Paul's death cannot be undone. I'll get down to business. The best thing that can be done to honor Paul's memory is to continue his work, not to let die with him.
For example, I have some free funds. Please let me know (I don't know who I'm contacting right now) how I can be of help.

Posted by John Carr on 04-03-2025 19:27

jorgemotalmeida wrote:
Great dipterologist and Paul Beuk has determined many species in this site. Of course will endure for many and many years too. So in a way Paul Beuk will be always present.
My sincere condolences.

Does Paul as administrator have an heir? This web site will fail over time without maintenance and a server to run on.

I might be able to help with technical issues and hosting. I am not a PHP wizard.

Posted by Zeegers on 04-03-2025 19:31

Hi John,
Thanks for your offer. We will look into it, after March 8th.
Your offer is well noted

Posted by Rui Andrade on 04-03-2025 20:52

Very sad news. This site changed my life by introducing me to dipterology. I am very grateful to Paul for this, and also for all his kindness towards me whenever we interacted. My condolences to family and friends.

Posted by libor on 04-03-2025 21:07

I do not know, what to write...
Excellent dipterologist, good man, always prepared to help...
We will miss you, Paul!

Posted by ChrisR on 04-03-2025 21:46

Yes, he will be a great loss to Dipterology. I think I am still one of the only Admins on and am happy to help out, but the site probably needs more admins and obviously secure hosting.

Posted by bertrandpami on 05-03-2025 09:32

My sincere condolences; I am very sad and touched.

Posted by Jan Maca on 05-03-2025 09:50

RIP, Paul.
We should pay our tribute by making every effort to continue

Edited by Jan Maca on 06-03-2025 11:55

Posted by eklans on 05-03-2025 10:59

I'm appalled! My heartfelt condolences to Paul's family and friends.

Posted by Darwyn Sumner on 05-03-2025 12:38

My condolences to his family
I met Paul once when he came to the UK, he showed me how to net Pachygaster atra from the underside of leaves. What an immensely friendly fellow. Only yesterday I mentioned him on iNaturalist to a fellow Netherlands recorder.
He will be very much missed

Posted by Andrzej on 05-03-2025 13:16

I'm shocked! It's a devastating loss—my deepest condolences to Paul's family and friends.

Posted by smol on 05-03-2025 17:09

... Condolences to Paul's family and friends.

If it is any help, I am IT educated so can try to help where needed.

Posted by johnes81 on 07-03-2025 10:05
#21 is synonymous with Paul Beuk. I wish that i had a cure for cancer and a time machine to save Paul's life. Dominus vobiscum, Paul. For everyone else here: please visit your doctor regularly for checkups.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 09-03-2025 09:34

I just want to place this thread first.

Posted by pierred on 09-03-2025 12:38

Nikita Vikhrev wrote:
The best thing that can be done to honor Paul's memory is to continue his work, not to let die with him.


Posted by Lauzette on 10-03-2025 10:53

I don't know what to say, it is so devastating.

Posted by Zeegers on 10-03-2025 13:31

So, due to the passing of Paul, this website has no owner and no webmaster any longer.
Clearly, this needs to be tackled if we wish the website to stay alive. I am in contact with Paul's daughter and Paul's wife and daughter would like the website to stay alive as well.

This is only possible if somebody or somebodies are volunteering to take over the website.
If you are seriously interested, give me a PM.


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 11-03-2025 09:52

I consulted with my friend, she is a good specialist. She said that the website was hand-written by Paul. I see three reasonable possibilities.
1. Paul's wife and daughter if they want and can.
2. 2nd and the best is John Carr, administrator of BugGuide. If he agree I'll transfer him 1000$.
3. To move to Russia. It maybe doubtful because of present political situation. However, I'm ready.