Posted by karl7 on 20-02-2025 16:09
Have a nice Day. A question please.Which genus within the Chironomidae family is this? I would be very grateful for an answer. Kind regards Karl.
Finding data: Austria, Lower Austria, Tattendorf, 220m, dry flowering area, May 7, 2024, Size: ca. 4mm
Edited by karl7 on 21-02-2025 19:44
Posted by John Carr on 20-02-2025 16:48
Tribe Chironomini. In North America we have a species of
Polypedlum with similar color pattern. Is tergite 8 anteriorly constricted?
Posted by karl7 on 20-02-2025 20:13
Hello John thank you for the Answer. I searched around and still found pictures of this genre. I searched around and still found pictures of this genre. I have attached a picture from May 1st, 2024 from my garden.
Tergite 8 seems narrower to me than Tergite 7. Ultimately it's about whether a family name or a generic name is possible.
Best Wishes Karl.