Thread subject: :: Chloropidae, Siphunculina from Canada

Posted by John Carr on 14-02-2025 22:01

Sweep sample, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2013-09-10. I know of nothing like it from temperate North America. It resembles the descriptions of east Asian species like Siphunculina stackelbergi Duda, 1933 and S. nidicola Nartshuk, 1971.

Setulae on head and thorax pale. Frontal triangle clearly shorter than frons, mostly shining, with longitudinal median sulcus. Pollinose area around ocelli in an hourglass shape. Ocellar and postocellar setae slightly convergent. Second costal sector about half as long as third.

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Edited by John Carr on 14-02-2025 22:04

Posted by John Carr on 14-02-2025 22:02


Posted by John Carr on 14-02-2025 22:04
