Thread subject: :: Atylotus - north-western France

Posted by BLecaplain on 14-02-2025 14:33

I captured this Atylotus in Brittany, (far west) in a subhalophilic meadow near a dune meadow.
I have a doubt because hairs on thorax and abdomen are quite yellow and not so grey as in latistriatus of my collection.

Hind femur more than half grey (a good point for latistriatus)

Very short hairs on eyes (and the specimen was fresh, not preserved in alcohol), some black hairs on vertex (maybe more before)

According to habitat, general coloration and hind femur, it's latistriatus for me but this specimen need a confirmation.

Posted by Zeegers on 15-02-2025 12:58

I'd agree, but I hardly see hairs on the eye.... that worries me


Posted by BLecaplain on 15-02-2025 14:22

there are some but they are very small

Posted by BLecaplain on 15-02-2025 15:02

frons is not narrow like in rusticus. More similar to latistriatus or fulvus.
The coloration of femur can certainly exclude fulvus (if it's not variable in this species).
loewianus too (and probably absent in western Brittany)
I have some latistriatus confirmed in DI with similar shape of eyes hairs.

Posted by Zeegers on 17-02-2025 07:55

I agree it should be latistriatus for the reasons mentioned by you, still, the eye should be hairy

Posted by BLecaplain on 17-02-2025 08:21

thanks Theo, eyes are hairy, with small hairs but quite present.