Thread subject: :: Abia sp., maybe lonicerae? --> Abia serice and Abia candens
Posted by Michael Stemmer on 09-02-2025 08:55
I think, Abia is correct. Could it be lonicerae? If I meet them in my garden, they nearly always rest on Honeysuckle Lonicera xylosteum. But I never saw any larvae. They have been pretty common in the last year.
Location: Germany, Rhineland-Palatinum, 53572 Unkel, river Rhine valley, Stux hill, dry and warm habitat (grapeyards), nearby deciduous forest (oak, beech ...), May 5th 2023.
Fly 1 + 2 are one individual, fly 3 is another.
Thanks in advance,
Edited by Michael Stemmer on 11-02-2025 10:00
Posted by eklans on 09-02-2025 10:43
Hello Michael, I'm quite sure it's a male
Abia sericea:
see Steven Falk:
(there's only one photo attached)
Posted by Michael Stemmer on 09-02-2025 11:25
Hello Eric,
after the first picture there were “No new Threads allowed at present “. I don´t know why, obviously others could post new threads, I couldn`t.
Abia sericea looks good, Scabiosa and Dipsacus were flowering nearby.
Now I try to post the last 2 pictures
Posted by Michael Stemmer on 09-02-2025 11:26
Posted by eklans on 09-02-2025 12:17
Nice photos and the last one is a male
Abia candens (antennal base dark).
Posted by Juergen Peters on 09-02-2025 22:21
But wrong subforum...
Posted by Michael Stemmer on 11-02-2025 09:59
@ Eric:
Thank you very much for your determination, Eric! Two Abia species, I never thouigt that possible!
Greetings from the Stux hill,
@ Jürgen:
I know, but „in the field” I had a list called “flies”, and on it I have written all “fly-like” animals I photographed. And this list I used for determination, knowing, but not thinking about the fact, that some “flies” were really “wasps”.
Greetings from the Stux hill,