Thread subject: :: Agromyza

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 07-09-2024 18:57


Kokkola Finland.
Sep.7th, 2024.



Edited by Pentti Ketola on 09-09-2024 06:21

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 07-09-2024 18:57

Size 3mm.

Edited by Pentti Ketola on 07-09-2024 18:58

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 07-09-2024 19:15


Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 07-09-2024 19:39

Agromyzidae, Agromyzinae, probably Agromyza, female. The subcosta and R1 veins at their junction are in a typical mode touching themselves in Agromyzinae (though also in some Phytobia spp.), European Agromyza have always white halters. The syntergites 1+2 at their lateral chitinised edge have a continuous stridulation file with many teeth, differently structured in different species, but not to be seen in these photographs. Two posterolateral short setae on the mid tibia are well to be seen. One to 5 are occurring in certain genera of Agromyzinae and Phytomyzinae. They play a role in clarifying the phylogenetic relationships within the family.

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 07-09-2024 20:34

Thank you for the help!
