Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae ? of Gaspé (Quebec, Canada)

Posted by Diptoch on 16-08-2024 00:45

Date of capture: july 21th 1993
The specimen

Posted by Diptoch on 16-08-2024 00:46

Lateral view of the specimen

Posted by Diptoch on 16-08-2024 00:47

Lateral view of the thorax

Posted by Diptoch on 16-08-2024 00:47

Dorsal view of the thorax

Posted by Diptoch on 16-08-2024 00:48

Lateral view of the head

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-08-2024 14:38

On both threads Tetanocera with distinct black orbito-antennal spot.
Check Sarah Schorno1, Stephen A. Marshall, William L. Murphy & Matthew J. Muzzatti (2019) Sciomyzidae of northeastern North America