Thread subject: :: Xanthogramma pedissequum, female

Posted by gerold on 14-08-2024 13:55

Observed on August 14, 2024 in the garden (Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe district, Karlsbad-Spielberg) - I'm not sure, is this Xanthogramma pedissequum or X. dives? Who can help?
Thank you for your help.
Geriold Franke

Edited by gerold on 14-08-2024 14:50

Posted by eklans on 14-08-2024 14:17

I think it's a female Xanthogramma pedissequum:

- the median stripe is connected with vertex
- only 1 yellow spot on sides of thorax

from: Bot, van de Meutter (2023): Hoverflies of Britain and North-West Europe

Posted by gerold on 14-08-2024 14:48

Vielen Dank für die schnelle Hilfe
VG Gerold Franke