Thread subject: :: Scatiphagidae of Mont-Saint-Hilaire (QC, Canada)

Posted by Diptoch on 04-08-2024 11:42

Date of capture: july 8th 2001
Dorsal view of the specimen

Posted by Diptoch on 04-08-2024 11:42

Lateral view of the specimen

Posted by Diptoch on 04-08-2024 11:43


Posted by Diptoch on 04-08-2024 11:44

Lateral view of the thorax

Posted by Diptoch on 04-08-2024 11:44

Dorsal view of the thorax

Posted by Diptoch on 04-08-2024 11:45

Lateral view of the head

Posted by Diptoch on 04-08-2024 11:45

The face

Posted by John Carr on 04-08-2024 16:31

Scathophaga stercoraria