Thread subject: :: Female Chironominae

Posted by pierred on 31-07-2024 08:29


{Click on the picture to get a better resolution. Click again to come back.}
Pierre Duhem : France : Saint-Sornin : 17600 : 27/06/2024
Altitude : 24 m - Taille : 7-8 mm
Réf. : 346633

Is it possible to say more than Chironominae female for this little critter?
In particular, with those dark spots?
Thanks in advance.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 31-07-2024 10:04

I think we can go as far as tribe - Chironomini - but I can't help any further.

Posted by pierred on 31-07-2024 11:15

Thanks a lot, Tony.