Thread subject: :: Muscidae genus Lispe ID ?

Posted by Oryctes on 20-07-2024 18:40
Oryctes : France : Villeneuve-d'Ascq : 59650 : 18/07/2024
Altitude : 23 m - Taille : 6 mm (estimation)
Réf. : 346142
Oryctes : France : Villeneuve-d'Ascq : 59650 : 18/07/2024
Altitude : NR - Taille : 6 mm (estimation)
Réf. : 346143

I found this fly in Villeneuve-d'Ascq (North of France) on July 18,2024. It was moving quickly on the mint leaves on the edge of a lake. So I had difficulty to photograph it precisely.
I didn't know this fly at all but on the LMDI site I was given its family and genus : Muscidae Lispe genus. And I was given too its probable group (tentaculata) and a species was proposed (L.consanguinea).
What is your opinion about this fly and can we consider a species for it ?
Thanks in advance,

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 20-07-2024 20:52

female Lispe tentaculata

Posted by Oryctes on 20-07-2024 21:49

Many thanks, Nikita, for your answer and the identification of this fly.