Thread subject: :: --> Tolmerus cingulatus

Posted by Joerg Schneider on 14-07-2024 20:45

Berlin/Germany, old cemetery. Today - 14.7.24 - I found several Asilidae, all about 13-15mm and rather shy. Here two more individuals, can they be identified? Thank you so much, Jörg

First individual was too much hidden for more photos.

Edited by Joerg Schneider on 20-07-2024 07:13

Posted by Joerg Schneider on 14-07-2024 20:47

And one more - looks different to me, but with setting sun no better pictures possible. Thank you for your help!

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 18-07-2024 00:08

In my opinion both are males Tolmerus cingulatus..

Posted by Joerg Schneider on 20-07-2024 07:12

Thank you so much, Jörg