Thread subject: :: Hoverflies with red/orange abdomen - ID? --> cf. Brachypalpoides lentus

Posted by kuv on 22-06-2024 12:20

Northern Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Bellin (east of Kiel), little place, where cut wood wait for removal, around with many old oaks; found at the low vegetation like Urtica sp., grass, Fallopia japonica; nearby a mixed forest (Douglasie, Oaks, Beeches) and a pasture.
First specimen at a leaf of Urtica sp., the second at a plant of Alliaria petiolata, 18th of May 2023, (Photos - kuv). Checking the WWW I only found one black hoverfly with such red/orange abdomen: Psarus abdominalis; but this shall be "disappeared" since 1995. Please help to get the ID.

Edited by kuv on 25-06-2024 10:57

Posted by kuv on 22-06-2024 12:21

first specimen 2nd picture:

Posted by kuv on 22-06-2024 12:22

first specimen 3rd picture:

Posted by kuv on 22-06-2024 12:23

first specimen 4th picture:

Posted by kuv on 22-06-2024 12:23

first specimen 5th picture:

Posted by kuv on 22-06-2024 12:24

Second specimen:

Posted by eklans on 22-06-2024 17:41

Brachypalpoides lentus?

Posted by kuv on 22-06-2024 21:22

Thank you very much, Eric |t:
Yes - reading the threads about Brachypalpoides lentus in the Forum - I think your idea is a very good choice.
Greetings Kuv

Edited by kuv on 22-06-2024 21:27