Thread subject: :: Lordiphosa andalusiaca

Posted by BB on 01-06-2024 16:46

Hi everyone,

This drosophilidae was found in a composter (north of France) :
jean-claude josien : France : Lens : 62300 : 28/05/2024
Altitude : 36 m - Taille : 2,5 mm
Réf. : 343561

Unable to discriminate the head micro-setae with my gear, the question is : does S.flava is the only one to present such a truncate oviscapt ?
jean-claude josien : France : Lens : 62300 : 28/05/2024
Altitude : 36 m - Taille : 2,5 mm
Réf. : 343648


Edited by BB on 03-06-2024 18:38

Posted by Jan Maca on 01-06-2024 18:39

I would rather consider Lordiphosa andalusiaca, Is it possible to get less granulated picture?

Posted by BB on 01-06-2024 21:36

Here it is, without any accentuation :
jean-claude josien : France : Lens : 62300 : 28/05/2024
Altitude : 36 m - Taille : 2,5 mm
Réf. : 343757

And the whole dorsal view :
jean-claude josien : France : Lens : 62300 : 28/05/2024
Altitude : 36 m - Taille : 2,5 mm
Réf. : 343562

Posted by Jan Maca on 02-06-2024 08:27

S, flava has indeed truncate oviscapt. In this specimen it is more oblong, although it is not well discernible in the picture. Also, mesonotum is more glossy, etc. I stay at L. andalusiaca.

Posted by BB on 02-06-2024 09:01

Maybe another opinion to confirm?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 03-06-2024 11:01

I agree completely with Jan. Tip of ovipositor is rounded in lateral view, not truncate. The darkish smudges on the pleura also indicate Lordiphosa.

Posted by BB on 03-06-2024 18:33

Thank you both.