Thread subject: :: Braconid wasp? > Alomya debellator (Ichneumonidae - Ichneumoninae)

Posted by MikeP on 17-04-2024 18:00

Is this a male braconid wasp? Round head and thorax appear to fit, but I have never seen one of this size.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


Edited by MikeP on 18-04-2024 16:38

Posted by eklans on 18-04-2024 14:04

Hi, date and location could be useful...
But nevertheless I think it's a female Alomya debellator (Ichneumonidae - Ichneumoninae).

Posted by MikeP on 18-04-2024 16:46

Thank you very much Eric!

Your identification is clearly correct.

The date is 4/13/24 and the location is Pötzleinsdorf near Vienna, Austria.

This year many insects are active one or even to two months early.



Edited by MikeP on 18-04-2024 16:48

Posted by eklans on 18-04-2024 17:39

Yes Mike, the same here, they are much too early - and this bodes nothing good...