Thread subject: :: Platystoma (not seminationis)? -> P. lugubre

Posted by Carnifex on 14-12-2023 15:45

First, apologies for the quality.
Last year in May at the city borders of Vienna, I noticed an area where probably hundreds of Platystoma were sunbathing on poles and tree trunks - in numbers I have never experienced before. So I made wide-angle shots to show the number, without any close up photos and thus, the photos are heavily cropped.
I am still posting them here because I am now suspecting these not to be the common Platystoma seminationis (the only species currently known for the state), but another species. I think I can see reddish tarsi in some individuals and also the humeral calli seem to be light colored, so my suspicion would be *P. lugubris*, which seems also to be the most likely option when looking at the distribution.

But I don't necessarily want a species ID here, just a statement whether you agree that the general looks favors a different species.

Thanks a lot

Edited by Carnifex on 26-07-2024 09:46

Posted by libor on 14-12-2023 20:27

P. lugubre has pinkish coloured humeral calli, all other species have humeral calli black. I cannot see it on your photos, so, which colour do you see?

Posted by Carnifex on 16-12-2023 00:16

they look bright yellow or whitish to me

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 26-07-2024 00:22

Anyway, the wing and mesonotum patterns are typical only for Platystoma lugubre. It is.

Edited by Nosferatumyia on 26-07-2024 00:22

Posted by Carnifex on 26-07-2024 09:45

Awesome, thanks Val!
Can you point me at what to look in the wing?
Or a paper that describes the differences in the wing?

Edited by Carnifex on 26-07-2024 09:46