Thread subject: :: Green Syrphidae larvae => Eupeodes sp.

Posted by Jessica on 13-12-2023 17:36


Is this larvae Platycheirus scutatus ? Or Eupeodes ?

Found on the ground in a mixed forest, Pyrénées, France
Jessica Joachim : France : Comus : 11340 : 26/05/2022
Altitude : 1379 m - Taille : 7 mm environ
Réf. : 334821

Edited by Jessica on 09-01-2024 16:53

Posted by Jessica on 08-01-2024 20:25


And happy new year :)
An idea for this larvae ?

Posted by eklans on 09-01-2024 13:09

Happy new year to you, Jessica!
It's difficult to find the genus without a look at the posterior breathing tubes. The aphid may be a Cinaria sp. and you've found it on the ground - so I think a Eupeodes sp. seems to be quite likely.

Posted by Jessica on 09-01-2024 16:52

Thank you very much :)

Yes, the Aphid is Cinara confinis