Thread subject: :: Is that Peplomyza litura? --> Peplomyza litura/intermedia

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 16-11-2023 19:58

I spotted this approx. 5mm fly on 16.11.2023 in Germany Baden Württemberg on the house wall. Is this Peplomyza litura?

Thank you and best regards

Edited by Bernd Rottenburger on 16-11-2023 21:17

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 16-11-2023 19:59

Bild 2

Posted by Sundew on 16-11-2023 21:03

If you have a species guess, it is always extremely useful to go to "Forum Search" and check the threads in the archive for information - it is really a treasure chest!
As to your fly, it is P. litura or P. intermedia; see https://diptera.i...d_id=25978 and https://diptera.i...d_id=26041. Unfortunately, Lauxaniid expert Katka is no longer active in the forum.
Regards, Sundew

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 16-11-2023 21:15

Thank you very much for your detailed information.

Best regards,