Thread subject: :: Stichopogon scaliger

Posted by Joerg Schneider on 13-11-2023 21:23

From a hotel park on the South-East coast of Crete, 25-SEP--2020, about 12-14mm. What did I see back than? Thank you, Jörg

Edited by Joerg Schneider on 04-12-2023 00:39

Posted by Joerg Schneider on 13-11-2023 21:23

Different view

Posted by JWV on 14-11-2023 11:49


Female Stichopogon with reddish antennae and reddish femora would in my eyes be S. scaliger but that is also the only species that I have experience with. God knows how many undescribed species occur in Greece.

Best, Jonne

Posted by Joerg Schneider on 14-11-2023 14:14

Oh, a problem we probably have with all "more exotic" Asilidae (or all insects:-( ). Look at my Omani Asilidae ..... Would you agree on Sticopogon cf. scaliger? Kindest regards, Jörg

Posted by JWV on 14-11-2023 23:01

They look different enough to be two different species, only with collected specimens one can say more about them.

Posted by Joerg Schneider on 27-11-2023 07:37

Sorry, misunderstanding - I just mentioned the Oman Asilidae as an example for potentially "new" species. So I go for Sticopogon cf. scaliger for the fly from Crete.

Posted by piros on 02-12-2023 13:40

Looks like typical S. scaliger (female) to me.


Posted by Joerg Schneider on 04-12-2023 00:38

Great, so I remove the cf. - I would be happy if more of my Asilidae could at least be identified on genus level.