Thread subject: :: Unknown Fly --> Palloptera umbellatarum (W)

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 07-10-2023 17:00

I spotted this 3-4mm fly on the wall of the house in Germany, Baden Württemberg. What is it?

Thank you and best regards
Bernd Rottenburger

Edited by Bernd Rottenburger on 07-10-2023 18:45

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 07-10-2023 17:01

Bild 1

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 07-10-2023 17:02

Bild 2

Edited by Bernd Rottenburger on 07-10-2023 17:03

Posted by Fred Fly on 07-10-2023 18:22

Pallopteridae: Palloptera umbellatarum female.

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 07-10-2023 18:43

Thank you very much for the identification of this fly

regards Bernd

Edited by Bernd Rottenburger on 07-10-2023 18:44