Thread subject: :: Microtendipes tarsalis?

Posted by kacper01 on 22-08-2023 00:00

From the information I was able to find there are 4 species of Microtendipes recorded from Poland: M. chloris, M. pedellus, M. nielseni and M. tarsalis. Judging by the photos available online the abdomen of M. chloris lacks the green coloration. I could't find any information on M. nielseni morphology. M. pedellus looks fairly similar but most of its abdomen is green with only last three tergites black whereas the abdomen of the specimen on my photos is predominantly black with green beginning. Moreover, the femora, tibae and tarsi of M. pedellus are white and have black tips in comparison to completely black femora and tibae of my specimen with purely white tarsi. Having crossed the first three species out I started looking for information on the 4th one. I encountered photos of very similar specimen identified as M. tarsalis on this website: http://www.spessa...s/1/1.html.
The only description of this species I found was in Insecta Britannica Diptera, Vol.3 and it actually matches the insect I photographed. Here's the link to the description: https://www.biodi...6/mode/1up
By no means am I an expert so I'd be extremely grateful for any help with the ID from anyone more experienced in Chironomidae.

Found in Kielce, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Poland on 23/06/2023

Edited by kacper01 on 22-08-2023 00:01

Posted by kacper01 on 22-08-2023 00:02

Posted by kacper01 on 22-08-2023 00:03

Posted by John Carr on 22-08-2023 13:14

It could be a related genus such as Paratendipes or Omisus.