Thread subject: :: Sawfly??? ->> Tenthredo

Posted by Hurlzzz on 15-08-2023 14:39

Observed 13/08/23 in foothills of the Dublin Mountains in Ireland.
I first thought this was a mason/potter wasp but head wings etc. say it's a fly and underside is bright yellow.

Other than that I have no idea!

Edited by Hurlzzz on 05-09-2023 15:15

Posted by Hurlzzz on 15-08-2023 14:44

Yellow underside

Edited by Hurlzzz on 15-08-2023 14:47

Posted by Hurlzzz on 15-08-2023 14:48

It moved to bird's-foot trefoil nearby.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 15-08-2023 21:42


it is Tenthredo notha, arcuata, brevicornis or schaefferi. I don't know, which species of this complex occur in your region. Generally T. notha is the most widespread one, T. arcuata is restricted to mountainous areas.