Thread subject: :: Which fly, 4 mm, with black-white wing pattern? => Nyctia halterata (Sarcophagidae), female

Posted by Markus Koschinsky on 04-07-2023 23:58

Location: Germany, Lower Saxony, near Eschershausen, 120 m above sea level, hilly terrain, flower-reach meadow
Time: 3rd of July, 2023
Photos: Markus Koschinsky
Body size: approx. 4 mm

Dear Forum,

2 of these flys were found on Daucus carota. I thought with that wind pattern it should be easy to find, but I didn't succeed... Melanophora roralis? Who can help?



Edited by Markus Koschinsky on 29-08-2023 14:09

Posted by eklans on 05-07-2023 16:24

Hello Markus, the colours/reflections were a bit misleading but I think it's a female Rhinophora lepida.

Posted by nielsyese on 06-07-2023 22:20

I’m sorry, but I don’t think it is Rhinophoridae, but Nyctia halterata (Calliphoridae).

Posted by Fred Fly on 07-07-2023 07:24

Nyctia halterata is belonging to Sarcophagidae.

Posted by eklans on 07-07-2023 12:55

Thanks a lot Niels-Jan! It's the female Nyctia halterata (Sarcophagidae)!

Posted by Zeegers on 08-07-2023 18:11

As long as you don’t use Seguy, it is not a Rhinophoridae. 😀


Posted by Markus Koschinsky on 29-08-2023 14:09


oversaw all these great answers for too long, sorry for that!

Thanks for determination (I'll change the thread title...)

