Thread subject: :: Vespa crabro...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 31-01-2008 12:30


I took this photo to the head of Vespa crabro.
It is a little scary to see these wasps near their nest. I was very near wasp nest. ;)

Posted by cosmln on 31-01-2008 14:01

Jorge... a nice one,

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 31-01-2008 14:17

Vespa crabro is a really big wasp. Milesia crabroniformis is small comparing with this Vespa crabro. :p
Almost the same size as Megascolia :D

Posted by crex on 31-01-2008 16:13

It's called B?lgeting in Swedish B) ... I think that translates to Trunk Wasp.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 31-01-2008 19:01

here we call this... simply "vespa" :D OR as some people "vespona" :D

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 31-01-2008 20:53

Wonderful portrait Jorge !

Posted by Tony Irwin on 31-01-2008 22:42

Great photo, Jorge, though I have to say that when I have been very close to Vespa crabro, I have always felt very safe - they have always treated me with just slight interest or ignored me altogether. Vespula and Dolcihovespula species are a different matter - I am much more nervous when getting close to their nests! :o

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 01-02-2008 02:17

Thanks for the compliments, Stephane and Tony.

Specially Vespula germanica! Dolichovespula seems to be more quiet. :)