Thread subject: :: Limoniidae: Female of Rhypholophus varius? --> yes (cf.)

Posted by kuv on 04-10-2022 10:11

Northern Germany, Hamburg-Rissen, Mixed forest Klövensteen, found at a leaf in the lower vegetation, 3rd of Oktober 2022, (Photos: kuv). Is my idea - after checking P. Oosterbroeks "Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World" - ok? Please help to get the ID.
PS: I hope these pictures are better than those in my thread from two years ago (s. https://diptera.i...d_id=97228).

Edited by kuv on 18-11-2022 17:28

Posted by kuv on 04-10-2022 10:12

2nd picture:

Posted by kuv on 04-10-2022 10:13

3rd picture:

Posted by kuv on 04-10-2022 10:13

4th picture:

Posted by kuv on 26-10-2022 17:47

Please one more chance to ID.
Greetings Kuv

Edited by kuv on 17-11-2022 17:27

Posted by kuv on 17-11-2022 17:28

Nobody can confirm - I don't believe this.
Greetings Kuv

Posted by clovis on 17-11-2022 18:22

No problem on genus, but I'm not familar enought with the species in vivo to assert with certitude.
To my knowledge, this wing pattern is R varius'one. So I'd say "hightly probably R varius" ;)

Posted by kuv on 17-11-2022 21:28

Thank you very much Clovis :) for your friendly answer.
Greetings Kuv