Thread subject: :: Mysterious yellow fly

Posted by pierred on 24-09-2022 14:10

Pierre Duhem : France : Saint-Sornin : 17600 : 26/06/2022
Altitude : 23 m - Taille : 5-7 mm
Réf. : 310711

I thought initially that is was a Lycellia. But the chaetotaxy doesn't match. Do you have an idea about the identity of this critter?
Thanks in advance.

Posted by eklans on 24-09-2022 14:56

Hello Pierre, Calliopum tuberculosum?

Posted by pierred on 24-09-2022 15:17

I would never guess such an identification. For me, the genus Calliopum is made of dark species, but this one is indeed yellow.
Thanks a lot.