Thread subject: :: Request Calliphoridae book

Posted by MorganA on 12-04-2022 17:22

Does anyone have a pdf copy of the book: Blowflies (Diptera, Calliphoridae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark
by Knut Rognes.

If so I would like a copy, thanks :)


Posted by Paul Beuk on 13-04-2022 14:16

Check your email.

Posted by Christian Jot on 21-09-2022 20:54

Hello everyone,
does anyone have a copy for me too?

Best regards,

Posted by Jan Willem on 22-09-2022 09:03

The following facebook group is also very helpful:


Calliphoridae, Rhiniidae and Polleniidae Recording Scheme

And the following book published last year:

Posted by Christian Jot on 22-09-2022 17:18

Hallo Jan Willem, bedankt voor de goede tips. Dit boek staat al op mijn verlanglijstje voor kerst. Ik ga eens kijken op de Facebookpagina.

Al het beste, Christian

Hello Jan Willem, thank you for the good tips. This book is already on my wish list for Christmas. I'll check out the Facebook page.

Best regards,Christian