Thread subject: :: I'm pretty sure - Stomorhina lunata

Posted by lynkos on 05-12-2005 18:20

I'm pretty sure about this one, just wanted a definitive confirmation from the experts - Stomorhina lunata?

Thanks, Sarah

Posted by Zeegers on 05-12-2005 20:07

See ?!?

You are pretty sure and you are pretty right !
By the way: a female

Theo Zeegers

Posted by lynkos on 05-12-2005 21:03

It really is such a very attractive fly, not a bit like your average Calliphoridae! Thanks for the confirmation Theo, Sarah

Posted by Andre on 06-12-2005 16:52

Not a bit like YOUR average Calliphoridae either! ;)

Posted by lynkos on 06-12-2005 22:07

:D Sarah