Thread subject: :: Beach Muscidae with part-shaded wings. Spilogona sp.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 08-03-2022 15:41

Found in a stagnant pool with rotting seaweed and goose crap [I go to all the best places :D ]

Anyone know which Genus/Species this is? No lateral shots due to ground conditions! :S

Edited by Roger Thomason on 13-03-2022 00:20

Posted by Roger Thomason on 08-03-2022 15:42

Second similar view...

Posted by Tony Irwin on 08-03-2022 16:29

The male of the other one? (I don't recognize it.)

Posted by tristram on 08-03-2022 23:15

My first suggestion would have been Helina latitarsis but it does seem to have hairy eyes.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 09-03-2022 08:58

It is bare-eyes and wide-frons Spilogona, but I could not find species level.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 13-03-2022 00:18

Thank you Tony and Tristram for the input and Nikita for the Genus. Read up on these that they are nigh on impossible from photos. I only have 3 species of Spilogona on the Checklist for Shetland [for what that's worth]! They are
Spilogona falleni, Spilogona surda, Spilogona trianguligera

