Thread subject: :: Lipara galls

Posted by John Bratton on 28-01-2022 18:30

The photos were taken 17 Feb 2017 on the Humber Estuary foreshore at Winteringham, showing reeds growing in a shallow brackish ditch, where the mud for the sea bank was dug out many years ago. What caught my attention was the sharp boundary between reeds that are 90% galled (foreground) and reeds with no galls (dark seed heads in the background). Any suggestions of what would produce such zonation, please? Could it be the boundary between two Phragmites genotypes?

I didn't rear any Lipara on this occasion but galls from the same place in 2015 produced L. lucens and L. rufitarsis.

Posted by John Bratton on 28-01-2022 18:31

Same place from different angle.