Thread subject: :: Asilinae from Rhodes > Machimus annulipes

Posted by piros on 03-12-2021 18:16

Location: Rhodes, about 500m south of the upper end of the Valley of butterflies (Petaloudes). Date: 18_05_2021.
Is it possible to ID?
Thanks for any help in advance!

Edited by piros on 30-11-2022 18:20

Posted by piros on 03-12-2021 18:20


Posted by piros on 03-12-2021 18:20


Posted by Daniel97 on 06-12-2021 22:16

Hello piros,
it looks to me like some kind of Machimus species...


Posted by piros on 07-12-2021 18:25

Thank you! Yes, I agree, but I would like to know more, if possible...
Given the presence of strong bristles on ventral femur I, I thought about Machimus arthriticus, but it looks somewhat different, I think.


Edited by piros on 07-12-2021 18:25

Posted by piros on 07-12-2021 18:35

Still, M arthriticus is my best guess.

Posted by Daniel97 on 07-12-2021 20:30

I would also guess that it is M arthriticus, although the epandrium looks a bit odd (maby it´s because of the angle). It was not too big right? below 2 cm?

Posted by piros on 08-12-2021 16:25

Again, I agree with you, epandrium looks different from that of M. arthriticus. Also, this sp. is not known from the area, according to FE.
Yes, size is somewhat below 20mm, but not much, if I remember well.

Thank you for your continuing interest!

Posted by Daniel97 on 09-12-2021 19:54

I would say that M arthriticus is correct, but i´m no expert though ;)
It is present in Bulgaria so i think it is not too far fetched to say that it could be distributed throughout greece

Posted by piros on 13-12-2021 20:37

Thank you again, your opinion is encouraging :)

(M. arthriticus is also known from the European part of Turkey, but nowhere else...)

Edited by piros on 13-12-2021 20:40

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 31-12-2021 01:44

I am pretty sure that this isn't M. arthriticus, the elongated 8th sternite excludes it. Not just the epandrium is not right for that species. The bristles on the ventral side of F1 is puzzling... I don't have an answer yet..

Posted by piros on 04-01-2022 21:24

Thank you! I am waiting for a better idea...

Posted by piros on 30-11-2022 18:16

Dear Forum!
In April this year, I photographed several specimens of this sp. and managed to collect one male. Using both Engels key and a key found here:

I arrived at Machimus annulipes. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the correct ID :), especially since the drawing of the hypopygium of M. annulipes in Engels matches that of the male I collected.

Indeed, there are several (4-5 in the case of females, 3 in males) black bristles on the ventral side of f1 among long, fine, yellowish hairs.

I attach the image of a female and its anterior leg below.

Thanks again to Daniel and Reinoud for their help!

Edited by piros on 30-11-2022 18:18

Posted by piros on 30-11-2022 18:19

First leg of the female above:

Edited by piros on 30-11-2022 18:19

Posted by Danny Wolff on 09-12-2022 21:04

You are very optimistic in believing that Mediterranean Machimus species can be identified beyond doubt from photographs. It is better to also collect specimens, especially males, and examine the genitals or gonostyli. Then you know more.

Posted by piros on 10-12-2022 01:41

I collected a male and based the ID on the collected specimen.
But, of course, it is possible that I made a mistake

Edited by piros on 10-12-2022 10:08