Thread subject: :: Machimini (Tolmerus?) from Lesvos, Greece - id help

Posted by Xeroporcellio on 19-11-2023 14:54

varganimrod wrote:
I have the whole literature from Greece. If you have a checklist of the Tolmerus species what live there, than I can compare the specimen’s data with the original descriptions and keys.
Besides this, you should try to dissect the gonostylus from the specimen, and take a good picture of it under a microscope and then upload it here. These Tolmerus species are really hard to identify, females commonly completely impossible.
All the best, Nimród

Thanks a lot for the reply! I will definitely extract the genitalia using KOH at some point (for both this Tolmerus and the Saropogon) and, of course, upload them here! However, it will take some time till then, as first I have to examine a considerable number of Muscoidea and Tachinidae specimens (around 100) from the collection of my colleague...

However, in the meanwhile, I will compile a list of all the Graeco-Turkish species of Machimus/Tolmerus that I can find and upload it here, so as you can check the specimens against the literature.