Thread subject: :: Asilus

Posted by aleix on 25-10-2005 10:01

Thank you very much! My posting was a bit old, and I was thinking that it would go unidentified, what being such a big and striking fly was surprising to me!

I've made a search in the forum and there is a thread on this fly:

By the way, correct spelling is maroccanus

According to this thread the yellow tibiae are diagnostic. By the way, correct spelling is maroccanus

I did look at Asilidae gallery, but there were only 3(!) pictures of Asilidae, and none of this species although it was posted in the forum. It would be of great interest that pictures posted in the forum could be viewed at the gallery. I think I read something about that in the Shoutbox, but I haven't find out the way to post the pictures in the gallery.


Aleix Comas