Thread subject: :: Similar Asilidae - Pogonosoma maroccanum

Posted by Didier on 17-08-2004 23:02

Dear all,
I contacted Fritz Geller-Grimm (as invited by Paul) and he kindly answered to me the following :

Yes, you are right, the image shows a specimen of Pogonosoma maroccanum.
There are some other species in the western part of the palaearctic region,
but none of them have yellow tibiae. Seguy (1927) cited several localities
in France. The species is common in Southern Europe.
If you are interested in additional references, please use the question
form on my webpage: [follow
database - literature].

I hope that this information is enough at the moment, if not, please
contact me again,

Yours sincerely
Fritz Geller-Grimm

Best regards.