Thread subject: :: Asilinae from Rhodes > Machimus annulipes

Posted by piros on 30-11-2022 18:16

Dear Forum!
In April this year, I photographed several specimens of this sp. and managed to collect one male. Using both Engels key and a key found here:

I arrived at Machimus annulipes. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the correct ID :), especially since the drawing of the hypopygium of M. annulipes in Engels matches that of the male I collected.

Indeed, there are several (4-5 in the case of females, 3 in males) black bristles on the ventral side of f1 among long, fine, yellowish hairs.

I attach the image of a female and its anterior leg below.

Thanks again to Daniel and Reinoud for their help!

Edited by piros on 30-11-2022 18:18