Thread subject: :: Asilinae Cerditini male--> Tolmerus pyragra

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 22-05-2017 12:28

Not all details are often clearly visible and some are subject to interpretation and variable which makes it hard to reach the right conclusion. Experience will make up for that in time.
On your third picture the pretty strong DC anterior of the transverse are clearly visible which illustrates the point of interpretation. Although the facial gibbosity isn't very big in this creature, it is still much bigger than in the "Cerdistini" a tribus which is now referred to as the Neomochtherini. I would add to the recognition for this tribus is the usually bulbous hypopygium, Once you have seen a lot of Tolmerus species and Neomochtherus species you will recognise them fairly easy :-) (in Europe)