Thread subject: :: Tachinidae (?) form Belgium 2022-06-30 for ID

Posted by Tetrao on 06-05-2024 18:11

Hi everyone !

I pictured this specimen 2 years ago in my garden.
I could measure it on pictures : 6,4mm.
At first look I thought it was a Sarcophagidae (surely due to the last abdominal segment) but now now with all I read about Tachinidae , I'm asking me if ...

Some notes I wrote when I was selecting the pictures :

Length measured on picture : 6,4mm
Arista hairy, larger on 1/3, pedicelle black 2d segment with bristlets above.
2 strong bristles after ocelles.
No oe but 2 strong bristles forward .
Bristles behind the eyes.
dc : 2 + 3
ac : 0 + 1
2d tergite hollowed but not to the end of tergite,
Tergite 3 with 4 strong discale bristles tergite 4 et 5 complete row of bristles,
Deflection of m (90°) with folds
3 ad on median tibia,
Tegula black, basicosta orange,
Frontale bristles stop just behind pedicelle. Britlets under to the end of frontalia
The rim of the front (all black) touch the vibrisses
Palps black
Legs black
Humerus callus with 3 bristles,
No strong bristles on the face on the scutellum, only bristlets, also bristles visible on the sides of the scutellum
The last abdominal segment is round, black and bright.
Scutellum : no apical « upright » bristles.
Calypter : Wing scales ???
Wings :
Costal spine strong, bristles on costal segment 1 to 3 and the beginning of 4th
Post angular vein present.
Deflection of m, r5 open

Can you help me ???

Thank you for reading and posting comment or ID !!!

Have a good day,

Edited by Tetrao on 06-05-2024 18:14