Thread subject: :: Stichopogon elegantulus from Rhodes

Posted by piros on 08-02-2020 19:23

I found these flies at the western shore of the land-bridge leading to Prasonisi on Rhodes on 23_05_2019. They look much lighter in coloration (that is, whitish “dusting” is heavier) than Hungarian S. elegantulus, but I collected one female and compared its genitalia to that of Hungarian specimens and found no significant difference, so I think they must be the same species. I wonder if this could be an adaptation to differing amount of insulation. Is such a difference between northern and more southern populations known in the case of other Stichopogon sp.?
Interestingly, Stichopogon elegantulus is not listed in the Greek checklist.
(BTW, I am ready to mail the specimen to anyone interested.)
I would appreciate any comment, thanks in advance.