DEST Training courses on Diptera
Posted by Paul Beuk on 28 September 2011 18:13:47
Dear all,

The Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST,, originally funded by the EC in the framework of the EDIT project, has launched two types of training at various European research facilities and universities. The �Modern Taxonomy theoretical course programme 2011-2012� offers intensive theoretical courses in subjects as varied as nomenclature; describing, writing and illustrating biodiversity; and managing natural history collections.
The "Expert-in-training Programme 2011-2012" enables graduate students and early career researchers to develop and strengthen their taxonomic research skills (morphological and molecular techniques, bio-informatics, etc.) through on-the-job-training.

Within the latter programme, two training courses focus on the taxonomy of Diptera, and might be of particular interest to you.

Have a look and register now!

Training programme in Entomology with specialisation in Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of Southeast Asia

Morphological and molecular identification of African fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae)

Thank you for spreading the word!

With best regards,

Hendrik Gheerardyn
Isabella Van de Velde

DEST Training

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussel
Tel: 32 2 627 43 34 (336)