Fruit Fly News FFN#19 (May 2011)
Posted by Paul Beuk on 02 June 2011 22:17:19
Dear fruit fly fans,

The Fruit Fly News FFN#19 (February 2011) is out now. To view the issue, please click here. Enjoy!

Great thanks to all contributors. As always, FFN welcomes your feedback and contributions for the next issue of September 2011. Send publications, books, notes, alerts, notice of events, news, photos, grant or job opportunities to:

A. Bakri , P. Liedo or O. Reynolds.

Do you know, FFN is read by more than 1300 tephritid fruit fly workers worldwide.

It is time to check and update your details in the Tephritid Workers Database (TWD), the Tephritid Workers of the Western Hemisphere (TWWH) and the Tephritid Workers of Europe Africa and Middle East (TEAM). Thanks for adding your recent publications.

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Fruitflyly yours,

Your FFN editors